Thursday 3 March 2011

Next vacation confirmed

Mails have been sent from Kilroy, confirming my payment and confirming that Gap Adventures has room for me.

My next trip will be as follows:

30th of September
Departure from Copenhagen going to Quito, the capital of Ecuador. The flight will be via Amsterdam with two stops at Bonaire (Bes Islands) and Guayaquil (Equador). Luckily I won't have to get out of the plane at the two last stops, so no worrying about delays and potential lost flights as a result of that.

1st -10th of October
Arrival at Quito the 1st, and early in the morning of the 2nd the group will be taking a flight to Baltra. For you who don't know where that is (I don't blame you), it's one of the main islands at the Galapagos. From here we will be transferred to a boat on which we will be sailing around the islands until the 9th where we will fly back to Quito. Looking forward to some great - and unique - sightings!

10th - 21th of October
The 10th I'll leave Quito and fly to Lima. The next day we will transfer to Cuzco from where we will see local historical sightings. The 13th to the 16th we will walk the Inca Trail. A truly unique trail, and even though we will not even get close to the heights we were at last year on Kili (4200 as opposed to 5895 meters), I expect it to be tough. The heat and humidity will be killer - Kili was pleasant being (mostly) dry and cool. After the trek we will return to Cuzco, after which we continue to Puerto Maldonado, deep inside the Amazon jungle. Here we will spend a couple of days sailing down the river taking in the sights ("Ooooh... Look at that tree!"). It even says it will be possible to do some pirana fishing (I wonder how... Bait will be unruly tourists?). The 20th we will fly back to Lima, spending our last day in Peru.

21th - 22th of October
Return to Denmark, this time via Paris and no extra stops anywhere.

What can I say? I'm looking forward to it, and October can't come soon enough.

And yes; I already know where I'm going next year. But that's a completely different story.