Friday 30 September 2011

30th - Departure

The time has come. I am now sitting at the airport waiting for the first flight towards Amsterdam. The wait is a killer. I am getting impatient and want to just fast forward to arrival in Quito. I have a layover in Amsterdam of almost 3 hours and I am going to bore my balls of. I am too lazy to swim, though, so I assume this is my only option. Oh, well.

Luckily I didn't have many problems getting out of the apartment this year - no oversleeping like when going to Africa. But considering that I am leaving in the early evening (and not in the (insane) early morning), that would have been an accomplishment if I had been oversleeping. Instead I spent most of the day stressing over whether or not I have packed everything. I have still to think of something I have forgotten, so I assume that's a good thing. My bag was heavier than last year, though, which was a surprise.

Waitwaitwait. Argh!