Thursday 12 April 2012

This year's second vacation confirmed!

I have now sent the deposit for my next vacation this year, which more or less means that the trip is going to happen. The schedule will be the following:

21st of July
Departure from Copenhagen travelling to Moscow

22nd of July
Early morning flight to Mineralnye Vody

22nd of July - 2nd of August
Trekking in Caucasus and (as far as the weather permits) doing so by following this itinerary:

Starting in Adyl Su valley (2600m), climbing Mount Gumachi (3890m), staying a night in Terskol, continue on to Syltran Lake (3200m), over the Syltran pass (3400m), Mukal- og Mkiara valleys, Irik pass (3700m), down to Irik valley and back to the hotel in Terskol. After these days with plenty of walks and acclimatization, we start climbing Mt. Elbrus by moving towards Garabashi og Diesel Hut (4150m), continuing on to Pastuchova rocks (4800m) but spending the night down at Diesel Hut again before we make the final push to the summit of Mt. Elbrus (5642m) on the trip's 12th day. The 13th day (2nd of August) is used as an extra day if the weather has prevented us from climbing Elbrus the day before, otherwise it will be used for relaxation or climbing Mount Cheget (3600m).

3rd of August
Flight back to Moscow

4th of August
Morning flight back to Copenhagen

This is going to be a great trip - I hope I will have trained enough for this before departure as I have a feeling that it is going to be a tough one! But really looking forward to it. Reaching Europes's highest point will be great.