Saturday 1 February 2014

Back to Africa!

We have high intensity most of the year at work due to a large project so it’s limited when I can go travelling this year. With the summer vacation filled up by my trip to India, Easter is probably the only other time I can plan ahead to get out of the country. And already having one climb planned I was hoping to find a safari/wildlife trip instead.

Looking around I realized that finding a safari in Africa during the exact days I have off during Easter is actually harder than expected, and they are mostly not cheap (sorry: budget-friendly) camping trips like the ones I am mostly used to. I was looking for another trip to Kruger, but looking around I realized I could get a few extra days for the same price in Kenya instead, and adding to that I have never been there before, the decision ended up being quite easy.

11th of April
Departure in the evening to Nairobi via Amsterdam. Being the Friday before the vacation departing in the evening means I still get to have a workday. Got to keep the boss happy!

12th of April
Pick up at arrival (early morning) and getting checked in at the hotel in Nairobi. Go and visit The Giraffe Centre where close encounters with giraffes are to be expected. Lunch at Karen Coffee Garden, the old administration building of Karen Blixen’s coffee plantation, followed by a visit to her museum. Depending on the time we might see some local workshops or visit David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. I believe it won’t be necessary to tell where I would prefer going.

We’ll have dinner at Restaurant Carnivore which apparently is a very famous restaurant. I believe the name is enough to explain what their focus is.

13th of April
Drive to Samburu National Park which brings us north and across the equator. The beginning of the game drives!

14th of April
A full day of game drives in Samburu NP. The goal is to spend as much time looking at wildlife so lunch (and maybe breakfast) will be brought with us.

15th of April
After breakfast we drive down into the East African Rift, the large continental rift that passes through East Africa (hence the name, duh). We’ll have lunch at Thompson Falls before taking a boat trip on Lake Naivasha, at an altitude of 1890m.

16th of April
Leaving the lodge at Lake Naivasha we drive to Masai Mara. Not much more is needed I believe, as most people know what Masai Mara entails.

17th – 18th of April
Masai Mara. Not much else it needed to be said. Game drives, game drives, game drives. We'll also have the chance to fly a hot air balloon to see things from above, but considering the price I will probably skip it. Visiting a Masai village during these days is also an option.

19th – 20th of April
We will have a short drive to finish the visit in Masai Mara before leaving and heading back to Nairobi. Getting on a plane in the evening and return back to Denmark on the Sunday in the morning.

For those of you who are wondering what kind of accommodation there will be on the trip now that I mentioned that it’s difficult to find a cheap camping trip during Easter (which in a way makes sense as it is in the beginning of the rainy season, so camping for a week during potential heavy rains with camera equipment would be pretty bad) here are some links for you to enjoy:

Samburu Sopa Lodge (13th – 15th)
Lake Naivasha Sopa Lodge (15th – 16th)
Masai Mara Sopa Lodge (16th – 19th)