Saturday 23 January 2016

Visiting the Big Apple

So I wanted to go somewhere during Easter (last year Kenya & Tanzania on an extended Easter vacation), Iceland the year before that etc., and wanting to do something similar this year I started my search. Unfortunately the number of days I have off is fairly limited and nothing noteworthy was available. Instead I started looking at alternative trips and I got the idea of going to New York instead for a couple of days. Not something I usually do, wildlife and mountains tend to pull too much, but NY has been a place I have wanted to see for a while.

I have no idea how I will feel, preferring the open quiet spaces of mountains and the like; either I will love it and plan on going back later, or I will enjoy it for the trip and be happy afterwards that I got it out of the system. In any case I am looking forward to it.

21st of March
Fly out to JFK airport in NY. Get to the office for work and in the late afternoon go to the airport and fly out. Arrive in NY at around 2200 (according to plan). Long live timezones.

22nd - 28th
Spend time taking in the city, doing tourist-y stuff, spending too much money. And enjoy it all the way.

28th - 29th
Fly back, late departure, layover in Gatwick, back in Copenhagen mid-day.