Monday 1 August 2016

1st – Chamonix – home

Waking up at 0830 I realized how much we actually ended up drinking last night. It was a relief in a way realizing that my two roommates were feeling much, much worse. Waking up at 0700 with a massive headache and downing multiple glasses of water could have something to do with me feeling relatively fine when waking up.

No hot water so the shower was less satisfying than I had hoped followed by a light breakfast at the hotel. Checkout was at 1030 and as I had a pickup at 1630 I left my bag at the hotel after checkout until then. 4 had already left in the morning, one was going to Les Houches at 1100, one was getting picked up at 1330 and the last would leave a couple of hours after me.

The sun was out but not without clouds hanging low on both sides of the valley meaning it would make no sense taking any of the lifts up on either side. So most of the day was unfortunately spent on wandering slightly aimlessly around. Not what I had expected to spend my day on. But, as you also saw yesterday, the weather isn’t always your best friend.

The rest of the day passed as planned; the pickup was on time, I grabbed some dinner at the Geneva airport and the flight home – a direct flight this time – was even on time and without any problems. So a stark contrast to coming down.

So another trip successfully concluded. Compared to my previous trip here we had the issue with not always clear and at times quite wet weather, but other than that it lived up to expectations. Big thanks to Sam, Anthony, Olivia, Bob, Ruth, Annie and Haig, and our guide Heather to make this a great trip. We had a lot of fun and I hope we get a chance to see each other again.