Sunday 20 April 2014

19th – 20th - Going home

Today was the last day in Kenya. We left the lodge to drive back to Nairobi and go to the airport. We were in no hurry, though as our flights weren’t until after 2200.

Not much happened on the drive back. My driver told me at one point that while we had been waiting to be let into Masai Mara on the first day he had taken a photo of us waiting outside the office with his phone and sent it to a newspaper. The photo was apparently part of an article the following day about the group of a minister and VIPs who couldn’t get into the park. My driver promised to contact the press outlets when he would have time to get a copy which he would then scan and send to me. Hopefully he will follow through with it one day!

Going back we passed through the great rift valley from where we ascended alone one of the sides. We stopped at a view point but to be honest it wasn’t that impressive. It looked mostly just like a very large valley as opposed to when I saw it in Tanzania where it was rocky and you could actually see a crack going through the landscape.

Coming back to Nairobi we were shown a couple of places in the city; the governmental area and some viewpoints before we headed towards the airport. Here we had a few hours to kill which was done at the airport’s only (small) cafeteria, and after some waiting we were finally on the plane and on our way back north again.

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