Sunday 4 October 2015

Polar stuff!

I have a list of places I want to go which is roughly prioritized. The trips the last couple of years have helped cleaning out some of the items on the list even if there still are new ones arriving never letting me empty the list (which I consider a good thing). One of the destinations have been there for quite a while, and relatively high up, too, but the reason for not going yet is fairly unique from the other trips; price. My treks, climbs and safaris have usually been cost efficient and I've felt that I have not been losing money on these trips, and while this one won't (hopefully) make me feel like throwing money down the drain it is... not cheap. But then again; supply & demand, the living conditions on the trip and the fact that the location is relatively inaccessible the price makes sense.

So - off we go!

12th of June
Flight out of Copenhagen via Oslo to Longyearbyen on Svalbard.

13th - 20th of June
After spending an extra night in Longyearbyen I board the travel company's ship in the afternoon and the following days we will be sailing up and down mainly along the western coast of Svalbard looking at wildlife, whether it's marine or land based. My main goal is to see polar bears but there will be chances to see birdlife, seals, walrus, polar fox, reindeer and much more. Chances are that there will be opportunities to take a zodiac and have a walk around on land getting closer to the animals. But otherwise we will be staying on the boat for the entirety of the trip.

We will return to Longyearbyen on the 19th in the evening and disembark on the 20th.

Flight home, via Tromsø and Oslo.

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