Sunday 6 August 2017

6th – 1st summit, 2nd ascent

We woke at 0500 after a night where I had barely managed to get any sleep despite my physical exhaustion (it is generally estimated 4 hours to reach the summit from the hut). I am assuming it was the experience of the impulsive ascent and adrenaline from it that kept me from relaxing.

We had breakfast at 0530 and left at 0600 (except for my summit partner yesterday – he gave himself a few more hours in bed before leaving and catching up with us). Having the guides with us we were going at a much gentler pace than yesterday and we reached the small hut at the half-way point app. 2-2½ hours after starting in the morning. Shortly after arriving yesterday’s summit partner arrived, having done that part of the climb in almost an hour.

Having had lying awake most of the night I had had plenty of time to think and realize that what we had done yesterday had been borderline reckless – especially on my behalf as I had not had the appropriate equipment with me to do it. I grabbed hold of one the guides, apologized and at the same time mentioned that as opposed to yesterday I knew when to stop and I’d therefore stay here at the mid-way point and wait for the rest of the group to return and then go down with them. Having already been at the summit I wouldn't be missing out on anything, and I would also be saving my energy for the coming days on Damavand.

The mid-way point and shelter at 3300m.

One of the guides taking a break before continuing.

After app. 3 hours of relaxing and enjoying the view the first people started trickling down from the summit. After maybe half the group had arrived and/or continued further down I grabbed my stuff and started my own walk down. Having boots and two poles as opposed to yesterday’s shoes and a single borrowed pole helped immensely. What a surprise.

No matter where you are you are always being watched.

Returning to the hut.

At around 1400 I arrived back at the hut where half the group already was and an hour later everyone had returned and had had a small bite to eat before we continued down over the steep rocks we scrambled up yesterday. Going down the rocks, half the distance to the busses, we were asked to stay close together but after that we would be free to go at our own pace. At around 1800 the first half of us entered a restaurant close to where the busses were parked and we would greet latecomers as they arrived. Dinner was had and when the last people arrived at app. 1930 the first bus was filled to continue with today’s plan.

Coming back down through Darmand.

Dinner in Darmand. With large portions of rice for each.

We went by our original hotel to grab our big bags and from there continued to a hut in the village of Polour where we’d spend the first night near Damavand. We arrived at 2230, concluding a very long day. AT least I was lucky to have a 3-hour rest in the middle of the day when the rest ascended and descended the summit of Tochal but I could definitely still feel the day’s (and yesterday’s) trekking in my feet and legs. But they have showers with hot water here!

Tomorrow we will walk to high camp at around 4200m – our big bags will be taken by mules but we have just been told those bags may not weigh more than 12kgs so it’s time to pack conservatively (or hope you didn’t bring more than that from the hotel). A late start with wakeup at 0800, breakfast at 090 and departure at 1000. They expect the walk up won’t take more than a couple of hour so after this long and gruelling day a short day will be welcoming, which I think everyone will appreciate.

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