Monday 10 September 2018

10th – Venturing where no man has been before

After a fairly uninspiring sunrise due to heavy cloud cover, the plan after breakfast was to land at Segelsällskapet to go for a walk. But plans change and during breakfast we were called to an extraordinary briefing right after. Here we were informed that the expedition leader and the captain had been discussing options and the conclusion was that the walk would be postponed to the afternoon and instead we would try to go as far into Alpefjord as possible until it got too narrow, something to their knowledge no cruise ship had done before.

The mountains on the sides of the fjord were steep which meant that the relatively narrow fjord was insanely deep, but due to the low-hanging clouds it was nearly impossible to see how far up the mountains reached. But the views were amazing. We reached towards the end of what the ship would be able to go through, so we got into the zodiacs and continued pushing deeper into the fjord. The sights were fantastic and it was hard to imagine similar environment anywhere else in the world. So fantastic you forgot about the pouring rain.

As far into the fjord as we could get with the time we had available.

We retuned to the ship, had a late lunch while continuing to Segelsällskapet where we had our originally planned walk. It was still raining like in the morning but it was nice to once again come out and get to stretch our legs. 

Slightly misty on the walk.

Even on an otherwise grey and brown ground there are still colours to be found.

Coming back to the ship we had dinner and watched a documentary about an Inuit boy going through the learning process of hunting and other skills you would need to survive. In the meantime the ship started on the next leg to bring us further south to Ittoqqortoormiit and Scoresbysund, the biggest fjord in the world where we will be spending the next few days.

Still very heavy cloud cover (and poor visibility) so I doubt there will be any northern lights sightings tonight.

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