Thursday 27 December 2018

27th – Northbound

We didn’t have to leave ridiculously early today; we met in the reception at 0800 where we loaded the bags and ourselves into the bus and left to go north to leave Phnom Penh and go to Siem Reap, spending most of the day on the bus.

On the way to Siem Reap where we arrive around 1630 we did have a few stops, though: we saw a market where they sold various fried insects and spiders, stopped in a village where they made copper and silver items, and at a third places where they cut status out of sandstone.

Copper bowl.

Playing with the food.

Playtime with food is over!

We had lunch by a lake where our group crossed paths with the same group going the opposite way, and their guide was the same as I had had on my trip to Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. It was unplanned and out of the blue, but definitely a pleasant surprise!

The hotel we’re staying at is fairly new so it’s quite nice, also it has a pool which enthused quite a few people in the group. I opted instead to do a quick walk into the center of town (which doesn’t seem very big) before meeting at 1800 to go out to have a local meal at a family which was a mix of various dishes and delicious as always.

Early return to the hotel – we’re doing a sunrise tour of Angkor Wat tomorrow and leaving at 0430 it’s probably not a good idea to end the day on a too late a note.

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