I had a flight a few hours before noon so it
was an early departure from home but food in the lounge helped things a bit.
The flight was fairly uneventful and the plenty of legroom on the front row was
definitely a treat.
Only having a carry-on I had to wait for the
rest of the group to get their luggage (all 30 of them) before we could go
through immigration and get picked up. And when arriving outside we had to wait
for the bus as it was not allowed to park at the airport but had to stay
somewhere nearby and show up when called. I realized that when the bus finally
arrived I could have taken the train to the city and checked into the hotel
before we ever left the airport.
But when finally in the bus we were on the way
with AC in a slightly humid 15-ish degrees towards the hotel near the centre of
the city. Circling around on the road to enter the Lincoln tunnel the bus
driver suddenly pulled over and stopped to the side just before the entrance
and stepped out. A bit of waiting and seeing him walking around we found out
that there were issues with the braking system so he couldn’t take the bus any
longer. While I’m glad that he stopped when finding out he couldn’t safely
brake it resulted in more annoying wait and it was close to an hour before
another bus came by, transferred all our luggage and took us further on our now
quite time-consuming tour. The shoulder near the tunnel was huge so there were
no problems lining the two busses up next to each other without interfering
with the traffic. Fortunately there was a bus-/truck-workshop just around the
corner from where we had stopped so the bus replacement arrived quickly after
being requested.
All this was getting quite frustrating as I had
been hoping to go by the marathon Expo today after arriving to get it over
with. They would close the entrance at 1900 (and close at 2000) and sitting at
home and planning it looked as if I would have plenty of time. But with these
multiple waits and delays I saw my plans slowly disintegrating. We arrived at
around 1800 at the hotel, 4 hours after landing (had I taken the train it would
have taken less than an hour and a half). I decided to chance it so I quickly
unloaded my bag, grabbed a subway card and took the subway to the expo where I
arrived 20 minutes before closing for entry. Success! And there were no
queues anywhere so it was a relaxing walk around to have a look – considering
more than 50.000 people run the marathon I could imagine the next couple of
days it will be more chaotic.
The Expo had a long wall with names of everyone who had signed up. It was a long wall. And I could fortunately find my own name there.
Happy with having retrieved my bag with the
stuff included in the price (bib, shirt and a few other various goodies) I
returned to the hotel with my stash and went our for a quick dinner in form of
a pretty damn good burger.