Thursday 28 June 2012

28th - La Fouly – Trient

Today was really, really hard.

With that out of the way I can start from the beginning.

The day started as usual with breakfast and lunch packs and we soon left to ride a bus for app. 20 minutes. We had a gentle walk of a couple of hours before arriving in Champex. A small town, but it had a nice small lake at its center where we chose to have a break. The town was surrounded by mountains making it feel like it was completely isolated. From here we were told it would be a walk with gradual ascents and descents with a walk along a traverse with beautiful views. The part with traverse and views was correct. The other… not so much.

We fairly quickly ended up in an ascent that consisted of walking on rocks, preventing us from getting any steady rhythm going. On top of that it was at times very steep and also, as we were walking through a forest and the temperature was rising, it was very humid. After a couple of hours like this we finally made it to the top – or rather it opened up and got much less steep. We had reached the path called Bovine Way, one that went through beautiful grassy meadows and hills.

After a couple of much needed breaks (one including a delicious carrot cake!) we continued and descended down along some very steep paths.

We finally arrived at our destination in Trient. Here we were finally able to get some real resting going after the day’s walk.

Gotten a couple of blisters too, today. Crap.

Break in Champex

The lake in Champex

Lunch break before the big ascent.

A view from the Bovine Way

Pink(!) church in Trient

Accomodations. Despite being on the floor there were absolutely no problems falling asleep after today...

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