Saturday 30 June 2012

30th - Homecomings

Being back home and having had a chance to look back I can say that this was an absolutely cracking vacation. Despite it being a very tough walk at times it was very rewarding and I didn’t really experience pain at any time other than the general soreness from walking so much. Also it helped being part of such a great group; there was a great dynamic and everyone where really friendly.

It has also been an eye-opener for me; I used this as training for my trip to Russia the 14th of July, and I expect that to be harder (mostly slightly shorter days, but at a much higher altitude and carrying more gear), so it was good to get a feel of what I am capable of and getting the body used to that kind of stress. I am optimistic, but slightly nervous. Let’s see how it goes…

Right now have my usual post-vacation issues I need to handle; getting things sorted and convincing myself that this vacation is over and I have to get back to my daily mundane tasks. To be honest I would have preferred being on TMB with the group right now, being all sore and sweating from places I didn’t know existed rather than being here and relaxing.

I think I got to say thanks and goodbye to everyone in the group when leaving, but if not, here goes; Thank you Keri, Larni, Rebecca, Jules, Melina, Elvina, Tze, Gail, Louise, Marc and Carina for being such an outstanding group!  And not to forget; thank you Alistair for being our guide – great work considering it was your first trip on TMB. You were all awesome and I hope that we some time in the future meet again. I will without a doubt miss you all!

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