Tuesday 23 October 2012

22nd-23rd - Lamington NP

I arrived in Brisbane Sunday the 21st where I got picked up by Ina at the airport and the following morning we drove to Lamington NP where we would spend a single night. This national park is known for its bird life so our hopes were that we would be seeing a large variety of birds - and getting some good shots as a bonus.

The weather wasn’t quite as we had hoped; overcast some of the time and not too warm. But it didn’t get too bad, either, so we did get to see a few birds during the afternoon after we arrived, especially because they weren’t too shy and got quite close to the resort where we were staying.

The next morning we had a small tour around the resort where we were introduced to the less visible birds. After breakfast we went for a long walk – the weather wasn’t too optimistic, and the bird sightings were limited, but we got a good impression of the surrounding areas and nature, and that wasn’t too bad either.

After this walk we drove back to Brisbane, readying ourselves for an early departure to Tangalooma, a resort on Moreton Island just outside Brisbane, the next morning.

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