Saturday 27 October 2012

24th-27th - Tangalooma

Tangalooma is a resort on Moreton Island just outside Brisbane – a short one hour boat ride gets you there. The island is mostly national park so, with a few exceptions, the resort is the only thing built there.

The NP has a wide range of animals that generally are not afraid to get relatively close to humans, so you can get into some pretty close-up situations, even if they are all wild animals. The resort has a bunch of activities that covers most of the wildlife on the island; feeding, walks, presentations, cruises, whale watches, tours, etc. And there are facilities for snorkeling, diving, walking on your own on most of the island, ATV tours, helicopter rides, massages and so on. The big thing on the island is the nightly dolphin feed where a small group of wild dolphins come in at night to be fed by the tourists under strict supervision of the staff. A very popular activity which any visitor can only do once every visit (unless you know the right people… *cough*).

We spent three nights here; me taking in all the sights, Ina showing me around the first day before she had to work the last 3 days.

Due to low numbers in tourists there were no whale watches until the last day we were on the island. This was also the last day in the whale watch season which must have been why they chose to go out, even though they didn’t manage to fill up the ship at all. But lucky for us – I would have been sad if I came down there in whale territory and didn’t get to see a single one. Success!

Late the 27th we went back to the main land as I was on a late flight out to Kathmandu. Big thanks to Ina for having me there and showing me around!

Looking down on the Tangalooma Wrecks from a ridge that goes behind the resort. The resort is right below us to the left.

A kookaburra ready for food during a feed. 

A cormorant.

A whistling kite.

A sea turtle.


Tinkerbell with her calf Tangles.

The dolphin feed.

Feeding Bella - and old, half-blind, almost toothless dolphin. This meant that you had to be prepared to be bumped into a lot while standing there trying to feed her.

Feeding Tinkerbell and Tangles (yup, two dolphin feeds in one visit... All about who you know... ;) ).

This parrot-things were seen quite alot.

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