Saturday 31 August 2013

31st - Acclimatization

The plan for today was to climb to high camp at 4200m to acclimatize and return to base camp after a rest. And at the same time hopefully be back before the arrival of the announced rain/hail in the afternoon.

We left the camp shortly before 0900 and 3 hours later of hard walk we arrived at the high camp. It was not surprisingly windy – but it wasn’t too bad, and the temperature was at a comfortable level, too.

After half an hour of having a break and keeping an eye on the clouds gathering around the summit we started our descent. While it was nice going downwards it was as usual a hard strain on the legs.

We were back in base camp before the bad weather. Actually; the bad weather never really showed its face. With some pleasant relaxing in the afternoon we had dinner and briefing like yesterday. The next couple of days are looking to be clear, clouds will be possible when starting our push to the summit, and winds.

After dinner and when it had gotten dark we were a few who went out to see if it was possible to get some good shots of the night sky. Moderate success considering there was only a single gorilla pod to share, but some of the resulting shots were not bad at all.

On the way up to high camp, looking down on base camp.

I wasn't the only one enjoying the sunset at base camp.

Stars, the Milky Way, a tent.

The Milky Way.

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