Sunday 1 September 2013

1st - High camp

Today we relocated to high camp. We took down the tents and piled up all our luggage before breakfast, and left at the same time as yesterday. As we already had done the acclimatization walk the ascent today was much easier, but arriving at the camp we had to realize that the winds had picked up since yesterday. Setting up the tents were therefore made much more difficult than usual, and the ground was very rocky which made using the tent pegs impossible. There were plenty of small rocks laying around which we could use to put down around the tent, and otherwise the most important rule was to put the bags inside the tent at all times as soon as we weren’t there ourselves to weigh it down.

The terrain is very rocky, but the rocks lying around have all been moved creating clear patches for the tents that just fit surrounded by the rocks creating low walls.

The (rest of the) afternoon was spent on getting used to the winds and getting mentally and physically ready for the summit climb which according to plan will start at 0330 with a wakeup call at 0230. This can be pushed if the weather seems to be bad and the forecast shows that it will clear up within a couple of hours.

Lying in the tent looking up I can see the roof moving 15-20cm in the hard wind gusts. It sure is windy!

Setting up the tents among all the small rocks.

View from high camp.

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