Friday 18 July 2014

18th – Base Camp

We left camp at normal time despite only having a short schedule for the day which consisted of ascending 500 meters to base camp at 4900m. We arrived at around 1100, keeping to our normal pace of app. 200 m/hr.

Settling in the camp we noticed 3 helicopters circling the area. Rumors had it that a tourist had fallen and broken arm and back, but he had slid down to where the helicopters couldn’t reach him so people were working on trying to bring him to somewhere we they could reach him. After a while the helicopters disappeared and there was very little information to find.

After a short break a few of us together with Bo decided to do a small acclimatization walk on the ridge opposite Stok Kangri. As we didn’t have the “normal” guides with us we approached the ridge with a more liberal speed. When we hit the 5100m mark 2 people turned around – the altitude was getting to them – while the rest of us (3 + Bo) continued. We ended up stopping at 5300m, flying past the summit of Mt. Ararat in the process. We did it in 1:03 – which was double our normal speed. It felt good being able to have ascended that much in so short time, but I must admit I prefer the gentler pace we usually have. It took us 20 minutes to get back down.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing and for those not having it done before getting their crampons fitted on their boots.

This is the highest I will have ever slept – the last record was from Kilimanjaro, but base camp/Barafu camp there is “only” at 4500m.

Stok Kangri as seen from 5300m.

Enjoying the view at 5300m.

Stok Kangri and base camp in the same photo. It isn't even that far! 
The paths you can see going left and up from BC is the path to go when going to ABC and/or the summit. Where it reaches the ridge and goes behind the edge is 200m above BC, 200m below from where we are now.

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