Friday 6 February 2015

6th – Camp Berlin (5900m)

Waking up I didn’t feel near as bad as yesterday though there was still some issues related to (lack of) energy and sleep. Slowly we all came out of our tents and at around 1030 everything was packed and we were ready to go.

The pace was fortunately slow but with the 20kg pack it did feel very heavy moving forward. Towards the end when nearing Camp Berlin at app. 5900m I had fallen quite far behind from the rest of the group, but finally made it to camp to some well-needed rest. Approaching the camp Jesper and Dina came down to greet me which gave me some much needed and very appreciated mental support , I don’t think they were aware of how grateful I was of such an otherwise simple gesture. On arrival I sat down (which probably was more like a controlled fall) and didn’t move for an entire hour.

The 600m ascent was done in app. 3:45.

It’s a great view from up here, I can only imagine how it will change the higher we get.

Now it’s just a matter of relaxing, gathering strength and mentally preparing for tonight/early morning. I’m still not eating much, exhausted after today’s climb. The next 24 hours will be interesting.

The view from Camp Berlin.

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