Saturday 4 April 2015

3rd – 4th – Coming home

I ended up spending the day at the lodge and I took my own taxi to the airport, so it was sitting in the bar and spending time on reading and using the wifi. The trip the airport went better than last time; this driver did not run anyone over this time. What a relief.

The flight hone went well, too. Apparently, when sitting at the emergency exit you are not even allowed to sit reading during take-off and landing. Fair enough – closed the book and put it in the lap, but noo… Not even that was allowed. Nothing in hands nor laps during take-off and landing. I know that you have to be more aware when sitting at the emergency exit but this was taking it to the extreme, I think. Anyways, I made it home safely and another trip was successfully concluded.

Big thanks to our guides Patsie and Moses, and my fellow group members Monika, Daniel, Vince, Kyra, and Emily. It was an amazing trip (might be biased due to the sightings…) and I hope to get the chance to see you all again!

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