Wednesday 1 April 2015

1st – They said they were hard to find

The day started at the usual time with breakfast at 0700. Camp was taken down in the meantime and 40 minutes later we were off on the last drive in Serengeti. We checked out at around 1400 and drove off towards the camp on the rim of Ngorongoro. It would have been an uneventful – albeit shaky – ride of 2½ hours if it hadn’t been for a flooded bridge. Like many other tours we stopped to assess the situation, and while doing that you could see the flow of water slowly but steady rise. If had rained quite a bit in the mountains – it is the wet season after all – and now all the water had to go somewhere. After some time the water level slowly decreased again, and after an industrial road worker-thingie had crossed proving that the bridge was only flooded and hadn’t disappeared it didn’t take long before the many cars began working themselves across. Arriving at the camp went without further incident. The crossing of the river was almost anti-climactic as after more than an hour’s wait the passing was completely problem-free.

So how did the game drive go? Well, we saw lions. We saw a serval. And we didn’t see a leopard. We saw 2. None were the one from a few days ago, they were independent from each other. The first spotted was close up, we parked just below the tree in which it was relaxing, the second was from a distance and photos were taken just to prove the sighting. 

Male and female ostriches.

Marabu stork.

Monitor lizard.

Lilac breasted roller.

Battle-scarred male lion.



Female waterbuck.

Another pride of lions encountered.


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