Thursday 8 February 2018

A potentially glowing trip

While my main goal for my trips have been to either climb, trek or go on safaris I have had a few other things in mind that differed from the norm in one way or another. This upcoming trip is one of those out-of-the-ordinary trips which I have been considering for a few years and which I have now booked. Fortunately I have 5 days off in a row around Easter and as the goal of the trip is only days long the timing is perfect.

29th of March
Flight from Copenhagen (via Riga) in the morning and arriving mid-afternoon in Kiev, Ukraine.

30th – 31st
Getting picked up early in the morning at the central railroad station, luckily close to the hotel. From there, we (the group) go on a 2-day tour in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. I’m really excited about getting to see the large area and how nature has taken over the towns and the weird feel there is in the desolate area. It is definitely going to be a unique experience.

1st of April
I have a few hours in Kiev before I have to get myself back to the airport and fly home – again over Riga.

Anyways, not a normal trip for me but very interesting. And worst case, if the tour ends up being disappointing, I am crossing my fingers that I at least will return home glowing so I can have that as a souvenir. 

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