Wednesday 14 March 2018

14th – Horny fellas

We departed as planned at 0630 to go to the lodge near Kruger. Instead of taking the direct route there we did a few detours on the way to see a few points of interest.

After two hours of driving (sleeping) we had our first pit stop with an added bonus. We had been given breakfast packs back at the place we stayed at so this first break was mainly a snack/pee break. Our guide pointed out that if we were lucky we would have a chance of seeing rhinos during the break. Pff – yeah right. But the view made run back to the bus and grab my camera; in the distance there were 5-7 rhinos and one of them being very young. It felt a bit like cheating; they were fenced in and actively protected by the people running the café/shop there. And their horns had also been removed to make them less desirable to poachers. But rhinos, the least common of the Big 5, had been bagged. On the first day – even before reaching any NP. That must be a first.


From there we continued, stopping by the 3 sisters and Blyde River canyon on the panorama route for some nice views before lunch at around 1430 and reaching Muluwa Lodge at 1730-ish. Reaching the area at the lodge we quickly spotted impalas, zebras (one adult with its young and a young giraffe roaming the premises so quite a few sights were had when arriving and while having a walk around before dinner.

The 3 sisters.

Sekukhune flat lizard.

Blyde River Canyon.

We are staying in tents (and I am still by myself – yay!) but I don’t think we agree on the definition of “tent”; a locked door to get in, a beautiful bathroom (“no bathtub, unfortunately just a shower” we were warned on arrival), minibar, safe, amazing bed and AC! This is not a tent – this is a hotel room with a bit of tarp showing.

This doesn't feel like a normal tent.


Tomorrow we will be doing a full day of game driving in Kruger. This is what I came here for and I’m excited but with the rhinos already sighted the bar has been set very high from the beginning. We will be leaving early at 0500, an hour’s drive to the park where we will be split into 2 separate vehicles which we will roam the park in. The plan is to return to the lodge late afternoon.

We have also been informed of the weather forecast; up to 41°C in the park. In open vehicles shaded from the sun this will be great. It will be hard to return home to the Danish spring weather.

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