Thursday 10 May 2018

10th of May – I am not Finnish… ed

Everything went according to plan; I checked in yesterday, I arrived and went through security and ended up in the lounge, still disappointed with the selection at the buffet but free food and drinks is free food and drinks.

I boarded the plane and noticed the lack of passengers. We were two people in the economy plus section which on this flight was 8-ish rows long with 6 seats in each row. Apparently not a too popular route. I was in the front row and as I therefore wouldn’t be allowed to take shoes off or read anything while the fasten seatbelts signs were on I asked if I was allowed to move to the empty row behind me. I was told “go head – we’re are only missing one passenger and it’s one-in-a-million chance she is sitting there!”. I think we all know what happened next; an out of breath girl boarded, reached “my” row, looked at me and got very confused. I apologized profusely and told her I could move but she just – like me – moved to the next empty row.

We arrived in Helsinki in good order at 1630 and easily grabbed the train to the city centre. I walked around a bit and found my hotel, checked in, and left again to familiarize myself with the surroundings.

The waterfront in Helsinki.

I found a one of the highest, if not highest, rated restaurant, Olo, in Helsinki/Finland but it was the kind with no menu outside. The reviews were very positive and it was quite interesting reading the menu on the website but having to pay almost 400 euros for the pleasure I gave it a big pass. Just around the corner from the there was another restaurant specializing mostly in Finnish dishes with a much friendlier approach to prices so in I went.

I love the fact that almost all streetsigns had names/directions in both Finnish and Swedish.

Helsinki Cathedral in the evening sun.

To start with a plate with 10 tastings of classic Finnish starters (various fish, potatoes, salads and meats) from where I continued with a long-braised bear, something I would admit was a bit pricey but I wanted to try it out. I wasn’t too impressed. It seemed it was braised, pulled apart and shaped into a block to be served. I did taste very good but if someone had served it and told me it was braised elk I wouldn’t have questioned it. I guess I had expected something more… bear-like. For dessert rhubarb crumble in a generous portion with cloud-berry liquor.

A tram passing by the train terminal in the night.

Had a wander afterwards before finally returning to the hotel around 2330.

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