Monday 27 September 2021

The Spanish connection

So as mentioned previously the Superhalfs have all been pushed to 2022. What I didn't mention, and what neither the runs or the Superhalfs have been good at communicating, is that while the Superhalfs did get established in 2020, due to the pandemic the runs wouldn't start counting towards the Superhalfs medal until 2022. It makes sense in the sense that it gives runners the opportunity to get all 5 runs in the first year if they are silly enough to want that (me included), otherwise I can't really see any reason for it.

I found out about this, completely randomly, less than 2 days after I had booked flights and hotel in Valencia as I was planning on running the half marathon there this year. I would be sad seeing those tickets go to waste, so I'll be going to Valencia to run the half marathon, despite it not counting towards the Superhalfs, and return again next year when it does. 

21th  25th of October
Fly out to Valencia via Frankfurt and spend a few days in the city wandering around before running on the Sunday the 24th and flying back home on the Monday. They've changed the route this year so the start and finish is at the University but the rest is fairly similar where the course takes the runners around the city center.

The pandemic and working from home the last 1½ years has resulted in a weight gain I'm not too happy about, but running the Copenhagen half on the 19th of September I came to the conclusion that while I might be a bit more squishy I'm still able to run fairly satisfactory when in a large group and with pacers. So I think that things will go fairly well despite it all. 

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