Monday, 3 April 2023

2nd – 3rd – Post run and return home

Waddling back to the hotel (long live subway stations close to the finish line and hotel!) I had a much needed shower before crashing on the bed and promised not to move for the rest of the day. That lasted until around dinner time where I met up with my parents to go out for dinner. They had the excellent idea of going for dinner at a café just across the street from my hotel.

After a mediocre steak and delicious dessert we parted ways; my parents wandered back to their hotel and I waddled back to mine. After a good night’s sleep and a late hearty breakfast I got my stuff together, checked out and left for the airport. Here I did my best to get my money’s worth of food in the lounge before getting my flight home with no unexpected episodes along the way.

Overall this ended up being an ok trip. I signed up for the run mostly on a whim, Paris in and of itself isn’t a city that has a special attraction to me, it was solely because of the run and the size of it. Would I still have signed up for it had I known about the frustrations I encountered along the way? I don’t know, honestly, but it is definitely not a run I plan on signing up for again. No need to go through that again.

Full album can be seen here.

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