The 27th
we left the hotel in the morning – despite having been drinking generous
amounts at the dinner last night everyone made it to breakfast at 0700, though
some did look quite hung over.
3 hours
drive to the airport, checked in the luggage all the way to Copenhagen and we
were soon on our way to Moscow. Arriving in Moscow we were as last time taken
to our hotel by bus. The difference this time was that we arrived relatively
early so after a quick dinner at the local mall we took the metro to the center
where we had a walk on the Red Square and around the Kremlin before finding a
place where we had a couple of drinks. Back at the hotel at 2230-ish.
early morning we returned to the airport and without further ado (we were
checked in all the way so it was straight to the security check bypassing the
queues at check in) we went through the tax frees, got the mandatory amounts of
vodka, and flew home and arrived in Copenhagen as planned at 1130.
It was a
great trip, considering how lucky we were with the weather. Some rain one night
when camping and otherwise high sun and dry, and not too cold when climbing the
summit. Aeroflot’s planes were of surprisingly high standards; they were all
very new, not at all like the stories you hear of planes almost falling apart
and rattling all over. A big thanks to our tour guide, Jakob, and local
mountain guide, Max, for bringing us all around, up and down without problems.
Thanks to the assistance guide (Ishmael), the cook, and the porters for
carrying tents and food. Thanks to the entire group for being such a fantastic
group – it wouldn’t have been the same without you.
trip, very memorable, but has made me change my mind about having plans of climbing
Aconcagua (6959m, tallest point in S. America) in January/February in 2014.
Maybe something smaller instead. Maybe Mont Blanc next summer. We’ll see…
The Red Square with the Kremlin on the right.
Lenin's mausoleum.
St. Basil's Cathedral.
Found at the Red Square's metro station.
Found at the station at our hotel...
... and this, too.