Tuesday 17 July 2012

16th-17th - The walking begins

The way the trip works is that we use the hotel as a base and from there we depart on multi-day treks. The first trek has now been completed; 2 relatively short days where the main purpose was to learn how to navigate on glaciers will full equipment and self-arrest techniques (what to do if you fall and slide down a glacier/snow/ice).

We departed the hotel after lunch. In the morning we took a chairlift up to app. 3000m where we had an amazing view of the two summits of Elbrus. Elbrus is actually two summits; east and west, west being 21 meters taller and the top we are supposed to end up on at the end of the trip.

Departing after lunch we drove half an hour where we halfway had to go through a military checkpoint. This took 30-40 minutes as everyone in the group needed to be checked and compared to the information in our passports.

At our destination we had a 2 hour walk with a 400m ascent before arriving at “The Green Hotel”, a large green area in an otherwise relatively barren environment where we put up our tents. After this we had a leisurely walk along a moraine, overlooking glaciers and just relaxing taking in the views. Elbrus could be seen in the distance, covered in clouds. Coming back to the camp dinner was ready and soon people went to bed.

The next day they woke us up at 5 and leaving at 6 we set out to climb a nearby glacier to train walking with crampons and self-arrest techniques. This involved instructions on how to use your ice axe if finding yourself sliding down an icy mountain side. We came back to the camp at 11-ish where we packed up and had lunch before returning the same way from where we came, getting picked up by the busses.

This time going through the checkpoint was a breeze.

We were back at the hotel around 1500 and since then we have been doing as little as possible and getting ready for the next trip. This trip will be 5 days, tallest point around 3800 meters (we reach app. 3000m today). First day will be a long one; 8-10 hours has been estimated to climb a 1600m ascent. A really need to be looking into if anything can be removed from my backpack.

First morning, first view of Elbrus.

Camping site at The Green Hotel.

Group photo at the moraine.

Visitors at the camp.

First walk on a glacier.

On the way down, meeting the porters coming up to gather the equipment not carried by us.

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