Sunday 22 July 2012

22nd - Last day in second trip

We woke up to a windy and cold morning. The sun was hiding behind the hills, not being able to give us the warmth we have gotten use to the previous mornings.

Packing up went like a breeze and we were soon on our way. The plan was to descend 300-400 meters in 2 hours and these were fairly eventless. Around 1000 we arrived at our destination for a round of beer/soda/something else and pickup back to the hotel at 1030. Time for a very much needed shower!

The next couple of days we will spend the nights at Diesel Hut at 4000m where we will acclimatize before the push to the summit on Wednesday. It will be interesting – the walk will be all the way from the hut which will mean an ascent of 1600m – and of course followed by an equal descent. We will apparently leave around 0300 and no matter where we are at 1300 we have to turn around to make sure we will make it back to the hut before it gets too late. The weather forecasts are optimistic; including the wind-chill factor the top has temperatures of app. -10°C and the zero-degree altitude is around 5000m. It’s better than a summit temperature of -35°C which is the case now and then, but it also means that the conditions will be wetter, and therefore heavier.

A short break, overlooking the town where we will be picked up within the hour.

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