Sunday 31 March 2013

31st - Geothermals and cold

Last day in Iceland I took a trip by The Blue Lagoon on the way to the airport. The geothermal spa offers the same options as a normal spa, the main difference is the large pool which is heated by geothermal heat which has been through the geothermal power plant next door. The water is on average 37-40 degrees, pleasantly warm. It was very windy on the day so while the head was above water, slightly cold, the rest of the body was heated by the waters. Only problem was the gusts of cold winds now and then that managed cool down the upper 5-10 cm of water, suddenly sending a chill through your shoulders.

Talking about getting a chill – walking from the building to the water was something I didn’t think of first, but going through the door to the outside it was something I was reminded of very fast. If you thought it was cold when arriving, think about how it feels when only wearing swimming pants.

After this it was a short drive back to the airport and a pleasant flight home to Copenhagen. Got better by the fact that the airline handed out free chocolate eggs due to Easter.

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