Saturday 30 March 2013

30th - Walking and climbing

This Saturday was also an early departure, this time we were looking towards a 2½ hours’ drive to reach the Sólheimjökull glacier where we were to do some hiking on. Arriving at the site it was hard not to notice that it is a very popular spot for tourists to go, hiking on the glacier or not.

We got equipped and started the trip up the glacier. We got a few talks on how much it has been receding the last few years (since 2000 it has receded almost 100 meters) and the problems people in the surrounding lowlands encounter when the volcanos erupts and melts a lot of the snow and ice on the nearby glaciers.

We finished off by trying to do some ice wall climbing – it was fun, but requires much more technique than I had time to acquire on the 8-ish meter wall we had to our disposal.

Driving back we passed by the Skógafoss waterfall, one of the biggest in the country.

Coming back to the hotel I decided to sign up for another trip out to see northern lights. It was with another tour company than last night and it wasn’t until I had gotten the ticket I realized that the meeting time was 1930. Less than an hour to find a place to have dinner, so any fancy restaurant visits had to be postponed to some other time.

The drive out was good and standing outside for almost 4 hours we did see some activity, none of it as impressive as the previous night. Due to the low activity the ticket could be used as a rain check within the next 2 years for a similar tour. That’s pretty good service! Back at the hotel at 0200-ish I realized that this would not be a vacation where I got a lot of sleep.

With light pollution from Reykjavik

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