Saturday 24 January 2015

24th – Arrival at Vallecitos

We were to be picked up at the hotel at 1300 to be brought to the hut at Vallecitos where we are to spend the next two nights. This meant that we had the morning in Mendoza for ourselves which was spent on nothing but having a leisurely walk around town, relaxing.

The pickup was on time and after an hour’s drive we stopped for lunch where our guides had a recommendation for order. It’s what I’d call an Argentinian meat pizza, but with no meat on it. No dough either. Instead, it was a slab of tender meat taken from the stomach region as base, covered in tomato sauce and plenty of melted cheese. Side order today was actually potatoes as opposed to yesterday’s (more) meat. It was a glorious dish albeit a bit heavy. After an hour’s drive further after lunch we arrived at the hut at 2700m.


After settling in we went on a small trek to app. 3000-3100m, a gentle 2-hour walk to start acclimatization. Coming back at 1900 we got some great sightings of lightning strikes in the distance.

We were informally subjected to a small medical check to check pulse, blood pressure and oxygen saturation. Informally, as the guides wanted a baseline for the group before we are checked at base camp. Or be prepared if the results are less than optimal – if the doctors at base camp consider one’s results as not good enough you will be denied permission to climb the mountain. My saturation was 85 which was a bit surprising as I am usually higher at “only” 2700m. On the other hand, we had almost just arrived from 700m so that could probably have something to do with it. I had no idea what to expect from the blood pressure as I had never gotten a test before. I have been told, though, that 110/60 isn’t too bad.

Tomorrow we will take the small summit Cerro Loma Blanca of 3600m, readying us for our first camp which is at almost same altitude. Taking this summit first, the day before going to the camp, will make it easier for us to reach and stay at the camp without any – or at least fewer – altitude-related issues.

View from the hut towards where we came.

View from the small trek towards the hut. The small green/blue roof seen in the left/mid-area of the photo is our hut.

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