Monday 26 January 2015

26th – First camp

The day started the same as yesterday; breakfast at 0830 and departure at 1000. The similarities ended there, though. This is the first day of a 6 day camping trip so we had to bring everything we would need these days, including our double boots as recommended by our guides. A bag with sleeping bag, down jacket and boots get large and heavy fast, and you still need some extra clothes and various other equipment.

We were soon off and the plan was to ascend to the camp Vega Superior at 3448m. When staring the walk we had an almost clear sky and despite clouds occasionally rolling by it stayed dry until arrival, app. 3 hours after departure. On the way up we got a brief glimpse of a guanaco, a cousin to the better known llama, an animal commonly seen in these areas.

Upon arrival we set up tents and generally just relaxed. We had a pretty massive shower at one point with both rain and hail; I was worried that this would be an indication of what we would be getting the next couple of days, but after a couple of hours it passed. After this the weather switched between calm warm weather or cloudy and cool or misty and even cooler (and slightly clammy). But at least we had very limited precipitation after this.

The tents are very small; two people can just fit inside, but getting room for two large bags with equipment is a struggle. We spent quite a lot of time figuring out how to store them in the most effective way in the equally small vestibule.

Dinner yesterday was great; the grilled meat, apart from beef, included sausages and a bit of chicken (after our semi-vegetarian had had her share) with wine. That was not expected as alcohol is usually impractical when you have to perform on these trips, but we’re in Argentina and when in Rome do as the Romans. Today, at camp, we had burgers with grilled cheese and potato mash (or rather “”potato” mash”). No wine, though.

Despite the constantly changing weather there has been almost no wind in camp at all which has been a nice surprise. While it did starting cooling down when the sun disappeared behind the surrounding mountains at around 2000 not many layers were necessary.

Tomorrow we will be climbing Cerro Adolfo Calle at 4270m for another acclimatization trek. We can see the top and parts of the climb from camp, and it looks as if it will be a quite steep trek. Estimated 6 hours in total up and down.

The weather at arrival at the camp site.

As soon as the tents had been pitched the clouds came in...

... and soon after you couldn't see much at all. (notice the horribly small opening in the tent).

Snacks like this was a daily treat in the afternoon when arriving/coming back in camp.

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