Tuesday 27 January 2015

27th – Acclimatization

Breakfast at 0730 and departure at 0830 we started our ascent of Cerro Adolfo Calle, a small summit of 4270m with the purpose of preparing us for the altitude of the next camp and as a bonus bagging ourselves a summit.

Most of the ascent consisted of walking on scree, gravel and often loose rocks. There was a part where we arrive at a high valley when the walking was comfortable, but that was only for a limited time. The last part of the climb we abandoned our poles and scrambled to the summit. The ascent took app. 3 hours, something our guides seemed satisfied with.

As things had been going so well on the way down we took a small extra summit of app. 4100m. It was a lot of rocks and scrambling and on the way down gravel and scree. Coming back to the camp it was easy to feel the day’s exercise.

The rest of the day was spent on relaxing.

Tomorrow we will be going to the next camp, El Salto, bringing equipment we will be needing there but not necessarily here (i.e. large boots, crampons) and returning to this camp. Not all are feeling 100% so this walk is voluntary; you will be allowed to stay at the camp if you don’t feel up to the walk. I don’t expect to have any issues – a slight headache in the afternoon after returning from the walk but nothing that can’t be handled by drinking a bit of extra water.

The weather was amazing in the morning.

And looking down towards the camp on the way to Cerro Adolfo Calle the air was still clear.

Standing on the summit, though... Clouds with holes here and there where you could get a glimpse of the surrounding terrain.

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