Tuesday 31 March 2015

31st – More… MORE!

Today we went on morning and afternoon drives. We left at 0730, came back for lunch at 13300, left at 1530 and returned for the night around 1845.

The drive was like any other game drive; we drove around and looked at animals. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. We got to see elephants up close, a very large herd of buffalos walking in almost single file, stretching out as far as you could see. And we got to see a cheetah up close and lions several times. Who said they were hard to find?

Tomorrow we go on an early game drive and have lunch in the park before leaving to go to the camp at the Ngorongoro Crater.

The second pride of lions had a small one which was full of energy bothering almost all the others. When it started raining all the young ones (below app. 3 years) began moving around and also playing for a bit. That was probably the group of lions we saw with the most amount of energy, a nice change to otherwise just seeing them… lion around.

Bat-eared fox.


Kori bustard.

A long herd of buffalos.

The line just keeps on going.... 

... and going... 

... and going... 

... and going... Doesn't it ever stop?!

Little bee-eater.

Red-necked spur-fowl.

Rock hyrax.

Lilac breasted roller.

D'Arnaud's barbet.

Spotted hyena.


A small group of lions doing as little as possible.


Martial eagle.

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