Tuesday 26 September 2017

26th – Crabby shopping

The day had a slow start of crawling out of bed and having a much needed shower and shave. I started the day’s program with writing notes for the previous two days; I woke up during the night with the lights on and my notebook in my lap with not a word written before falling asleep. I really was in need of sleep!

I left the hotel and spent a few hours walking through Fort Canning Park; the park is the former location of the British governor’s residence and island defences. The cloud cover was much denser than yesterday but despite my fears we didn’t get a single drop.

The Gate of Fort Canning, the oldest gate in Fort Canning Park.

Fort Canning Flagstaff. The tallest point in Fort Canning Park, previously used to signal messages to the city.

For lunch around 1130 I ended up in a small restaurant very popular among the locals. Luckily the lunch rush hadn’t quite started yet so I didn’t have to wait more than a couple of minutes (and it helped I was a single guest as opposed to the group of 7 in front of me). They took guests’ orders while standing in the queue, didn’t give us any reference numbers and when being seated the drinks, food and bill arrived almost immediately. The Pork Rib Soup was amazing but I am sure all the other guests judged me hard for using my hands instead of the chopsticks when munching on the tender, tender meat just sliding off the bone.

Apparently I'm not the only one who likes the place. Highly recommended!

After lunch I left the restaurant, turned the corner and made a reservation for dinner at a place that according to reviews make a great chili crab.

From there I went north and reached Orchard Road. Orchard Road is the main shopping street in the city, app 2,5 km long and instead of shops it’s just malls back to back all the way. I entered one; 7 floors, each app. 7.000 sqm + two floors in the basement similar in size. So generally, not a small mall (especially compared to the ones we have at home). And when walking down the street looking at some of the other malls from the outside this was far from one of the largest there.

The malls were obviously not just large grey boxes.

Along Orchard Road you take a turn down a side road and ten steps away you are suddenly faced with a completely different style.

And exclusive organic-looking mall with hotel.

I had almost reached the botanical garden before the rain started – and it was not just a drizzle though it seemed that way in the beginning. I found a safe haven in a café and an hour – and a brownie – later the downpour had finally stopped and I could continue. The botanical garden was huge, and apart from the relative short walkway among the trees it felt pretty much like any other botanical garden you’d find.

Swan Lake. No dancing involved.

Taking the MRT back to the hotel I had a 1-1½ hours’ rest before having to go to my 2000-o’clock dinner reservation. Having ordered a Chili Crab I was given a whole crab in sauce with necessary equipment (nut cracker, long pokey thing to poke out meat from the legs and claws, various other things and, of course, chopsticks) and a bib. The latter was standard equipment for all guests as eating a whole crab in sauce quickly results in a mess. Especially when you are me. Such a mess. But a delicious mess. A delicious, delicious, mess.

After dinner I had a short walk through parts of Chinatown before returning to the hotel at around 2300.

Former Hill Street Police Station, currently contains the Ministry of Communications and Information and Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth.

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