Thursday 18 January 2018

Pakistan update

So... things have happened with the upcoming Pakistan trip. Or rather; the not-anymore-upcoming trip. Yup - it has been cancelled.

To be honest it wasn't much of a surprise, though. We were informed by the travel agency that they were waiting for the embassy in Islamabad and the Foreign Ministry to update the travel information for Pakistan and more specifically the area where we would be trekking. I am assuming that if the travel information isn't positive enough insurance companies won't insure the travel agency/tip. The travel agency had been promised updates were coming, but reaching the deadline the agency had at the end of November nothing had been done yet. We were informed in the beginning of December that they had pushed the deadline and expected to be able to commit to the trip between Christmas and New Year's eve.

And nothing was heard - until a few days ago when receiving the mail cancelling the trip. It wasn't much of a surprise due to not hearing anything way past the deadline so I had more or less settled on the fact that I wouldn't be going this year - though it wasn't fun having my suspicions confirmed anyway. But I was promised that as soon as they would be able to put up the trip again (next year or later) they would start off informing those who had signed up now. 

So now I have to start looking for new destinations. So much work!

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