Sunday 1 April 2018

1st of April – Return and aftermath

I had a taxi booked at noon and while I could have been a good tourist and taken a walk around town until then but instead I decided to sleep in and enjoy my room service breakfast. I went to the airport and planned on getting a book somewhere to sit and read during the wait and flight home. I didn’t find a single shop at the airport after going though security that sold any reading material, not even magazines. The airport was fairly manageable so I don’t think I missed anything. It was a bit surreal to be honest.

Other than that the trip home went well. So well, even, that within 80 minutes of touching down at Copenhagen airport I was home in my apartment in record time. That went surprisingly smooth (but it also helped that the busses bringing us from the plane delivered us right at the baggage carousels and I only had my carryon with me).

And that was it. Big thanks to Lara for guiding us on this surreal experience that was absolutely worth it and highly recommended. Thanks to Kim, Daniel, Stephen, Laura, Roy (?), Diego and everyone else I don’t remember the names of for being such great company. I hope we will have a chance to meet again someday.

After returning home and a few days passed I – and the rest of the group – received an unexpected mail from the travel company. On the feedback form I had been very honest about I experienced the entire accommodation situation but expected the information to just to be used for them to maybe be better at planning for future groups. I never expected to hear anything regarding anything on the feedback form. The mail I received apologized for the experience;

“…are sorry for your experience with accommodation on your tour…”
well of course you are
“… part of our apology please accept 20% refund for your tour…”
wait, what??!

As I said I didn’t expect anything to come of it but just that they would take the feedback to heart for future tours. But the fact that they actually ended up refunding 20% of the tour meant a lot. Kudos to you. A great end to an unfortunate situation.

Full album can be found here.

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