Sunday 5 August 2018

5th – 6th – Last day and heading home

As my 2-week trip was only a part of a larger 30-day tour I was only 1 of 3 people from the group that would be leaving today. So I got up early to say goodbye to the group leaving at 0800, had the reception book a taxi to the airport at 1800 and to extend my room until that time, and then I went back up and slept some more. 2 people joined the group for the next leg and it just got more British; we were originally one Dane, two Americans, two Australians and 10 Brits. The group lost the Dane and two Aussies and the newcomers are Brits. I don’t think I have ever seen such a majority of Brits (or just one nationality) in a group before.

At around mid-day I finally got out and around and my plan was basically only that I wanted Pho (more or less a noodle soup) for lunch and otherwise just having a walk. The guide from our street food tour had recommended a restaurant for Pho but it was closed until dinner so I walk around randomly until I found one that looked promising. Got a beef Pho and it turned out to be… phoking fantastic. I circled the Hoàn Kiếm Lake and ended up in a Harry Potter themed bar called Always where I had a Polyjuice Potion (which tasted better than what the books hinted at).


Hoàn Kiếm Lake.

St Joseph's Cathedral.

I returned to the hotel, checked out and left for the airport, checked in and went through security without a single issue or having to wait. Got a bowl of Bun Bo Hue at Hanoi airport, and despite it only being a two-hour flight to Bangkok we were also fed on the flight, and it was a full-sized Boeing 777 they used on the route (which is built for long range, i.e. CPH-BKK or CPH-SIN), but considering it was completely full they must have needed it. To kill some time at Bangkok Airport I ended up in a Japanese restaurant and got Wagyu sushi and a "I don't know what to get so I'll just get the big one"-sushi. It was delicious with bigger pieces of fish and higher quality than I usually see at home. I was happy – despite having to rush the last pieces due to getting close to boarding.

Returning to the airport.

Wagyu sushi.

A boatload of "a bit of everything"-sushi.

On the leg home from Bangkok I was entertained by Red Sparrow, Downsizing, Hostiles and first episode of Black Lightning. And I actually managed to get some sleep, so that was actually quite nice. Arrived in Copenhagen on time, got my stuff and took the train home, everything according to plan. And that was it.

This is not quite the type of trip I usually do; I usually travel for trekking/climbing or wildlife, while this was more travelling through countries and seeing sights on the way. A slightly cultural trip. While I did at times feel that trip was missing a bit compared to my usual trips it was still worth the time going there. Great sights and people. Big thanks to Amanda, Jonjo, Ollie, Joe, Teri, Rosie, Wazim, Craig, Shay, Nick, Sophia, Michelle, Paul and Ann, and our guide Bun for being such amazing people and being great fun on the trip. I miss you all and hope to see you again some other time!

Full album can be seen here.

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