Tuesday 21 August 2018

Impulsive return to Southeast Asia

So… This was not planned just a few days ago. I blame the rest of the group from my most recent trip as they kept posting photos from their continued travelling after I was gone. It has absolutely totally nothing to do with my lack of self-control when it comes to travelling whenever I have a few days off at some point. Or… 11 days off in a row by only having to take 3 vacation days.

It’ll be a long flight (again) but Cambodia just looks too damn inviting, and going during the end of the year means that I will be there in the dry season, hopefully avoiding rain. Travelling during Christmas will be a first for me but having the holidays line up just perfect it was difficult not to take advantage of it.

Anyways – on to the itinerary.

21st – 23rd of December
Flying out to Ho Chi Minh City where I will arrive the day before the tour starts, giving me a night and almost a full day in the city to explorer by myself before meeting with the rest of the group.

24th – 25th of December
We spend a day in Ho Chi Minh City before we on the second day drive west-wards and leave Vietnam and enter Cambodia, ending up in Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh.

26th – 27th of December
Spending a day touring Phnom Penh and being all tourist-like before going north and driving to Siem Reap.

28th – 29th of December
Spending time in Siem Reap, with Angkor Wat being the main attraction. There will be plenty of time sightseeing at the temple complex, seeing floating villages, museums or otherwise just exploration and relaxation.

30th of December
After these few days we will be leaving Siem Reap and heading further west, now leaving Cambodia and crossing the border into Thailand and ending up in Bangkok.

31st of December
Got a flight just past midnight so I’ll probably have to cut the departure evening short. It means, though, that I will be coming home the 31st early morning, letting me celebrate New Year’s at home (if I don’t fall asleep before).

As an added bonus, when I was looking into flights I realized that by just paying a bit extra for the flight down I’d be able to upgrade myself from economy to plus, giving me bigger seats, more legroom, larger monitor and better food. It was hard not to do. On the way back the price was almost double for the upgrade though the economy was fairly cheap – so after a short deliberation I decided I’d be allowed to also upgrade this flight. It is only Christmas once a year, after all!

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