Saturday 13 June 2015

12th – 13th – Arrival

I went directly from the office to the airport to catch my flight to Geneva and all in all it was an uneventful trip. My pickup had to delay the departure from the airport as two of his clients were on a delayed flight. An hour later they arrived and we were off.

I arrived at the lodge in Argentiere around 2300 where dinner was ready for me (for some time – a quick ride in the microwave handled that). And that was it for the first day.

On the Saturday I trotted around in the lodge for a while until deciding going down to the town to have a look around. The planned 1-hour walk suddenly turned into a 5 hour walk through Le Planet to Le Tour, and from there taking a path up alongside the lifts. Having only planned for a 1 hour walk I had only brought a little water, no sunscreen and nothing to eat. And the sky was clear and temps were in the mid-20s. So around 2100m, app. 1000m above Le Tour, I turned around and went down, had lunch in Le Tour and returned to the lodge.

Met with my roommate Alex and Gill on my return to the lodge and shortly after Jon showed up. At around 1830 we were briefed on the following days by our guide-to-be Didier, had an amazing dinner and packed our bags for the next 2 days in Italy.

The view from app. 1000m above Le Tour with Chamonix in the distance.

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