Wednesday 17 June 2015

17th – Refuge de Tête-Rousse, 3167m

We had a late departure at 1030 where we also got to meet our second guide, Sara (a confirmation of my theory that non-casual female climbers are beautiful).  We were to take the Bellevue cable car (which, I realized, was the same place we started our Tour du Mont Blanc back in 2012!), and from there take the Mont Blanc Tramway to its end. The ride is a steep one following the side of the mountain, but assisted by a cogwheel underneath there were no issues that a normal train might have had.

From there we started our ascent on foot which was a rocky path. It started gentle but soon got much steeper while it felt we were zig-zagging up a rock wall. The path was mostly quite narrow but with only a drop on one side it wasn’t much of an issue.

After having crossed a glacier we arrived at Refuge de Tête-Rousse around 1400. Afterwards we relaxed as much as possible. Dinner was at 1930, breakfast will be at 0130 after which we will start our ascent, pass another lodge where we will leave anything we won’t need for the summit, continue to the top and return to the lodge and stay there until the next day.

The Mont Blanc tramway.

Alpine ibex which weren't too shy around humans.

Clear weather one moment, the next... not so much.

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