Monday 20 July 2015

20th – Kudat -> Poring Hot Spring

The morning went a bit better than yesterday – I was actually out of bed when the alarm went off. Breakfast was had and at around 0800 we were off for a 4 hour drive until lunch. We had lunch at a restaurant just below the starting point of the trail we would have followed if we had been climbing Kinabalu. We were brought up to the start and instead of going up we had a 2-3 hour walk around at the foot of the mountain in the jungle. Due to the altitude, app. 1000m, the humidity didn’t feel too bad due to the lower temperatures which was a huge relief. We were mostly looking at various plants, most of them having a practical use (flammable berries (petroleum bush), Viagra, anti-pregnancy etc.), as the animals didn’t seem to want to be seen.

Orangutan fern. Take a wild guess how it got its name. 
It actually doesn't feel like twigs but real fur. Surreal.

An... orchid!

Times for the last Kinabalu race up and down.

The route for the race. While the distance isn't too much remember there is almost 3000m difference up and down from start to finish

Returning to the bus we had an hour’s drive to get to the Poring Hot Springs where we will be spending the next two nights. We were checked into our rooms (when entering my room I realized that when hearing the neighbors, who weren’t part of our group, the beds are very creaky) and shortly after we were given a short tour of the area. The resort’s main attraction is the hot spring which is used to fill up small pools/tubs by the guests, preferably mixing it with cold water to avoid being cooked. In the evening we had our dinner followed by a couple of hours walk in the jungle where we managed to see a few snakes, insects and the like.

Yellow ringed cat snake.

Tomorrow we will have breakfast at 0830 before doing a canopy walk followed by a walk to a high waterfall where it will also be possible to bath. It will be much like the walk yesterday but likely more humid and warmer as we are not nearly as high. Late lunch back the resort and the afternoon for free play.

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