Tuesday 28 July 2015

27th - 28th – Return home

Saying goodbye to most people in the morning we were three left who ended up going to the Sabah museum in KK. We had all expected a small museum with a few dusty items on display but the place was actually quite large with a large amount of interesting areas; quite a lot of history but also showing the development of materials and the like in Borneo. They also had a large exterior with buildings simulating former villages.

We managed to spend a couple of hours there before going back towards the center and having lunch. At this point we said goodbye to one and the last two of us ended up hanging out at the hotel (we were given access to their hotel room for the day without having to pay extra!) before being picked up and driven to the airport.

Flight home was fine, uneventful as usual. Nothing new in the entertainment system but despite limited sleep the last couple of nights sleeping on the flight still came quite difficult.

After coming home I sent the sun bear sanctuary the requested photo and it didn’t take long before I got a mail back from the founder with a big thanks and “Brilliant!”. That made me happier than I expected. 

Big thanks to Lisa, Elaine (again…), Pia, Pauli, Sidsel, Anne, Kathi and Nicole, our guides Arkin and Hasna and driver Lawrence. You guys where awesome, we had a fun week and I hope to meet you again some time.

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