Tuesday 21 July 2015

21st – Poring Hot Spring

As the breakfast place (which was the same place as where we had dinner) wouldn’t serve breakfast before 0830 we had a nice and easy morning.

After finishing we went on the canopy walk; a short walk on bridges suspended between large trees in the area up in the canopies. While the walk wasn’t long it was still fun to see the area from a different angle than we otherwise would have, but the animals weren’t showing.

One of the bridges during the canopy walk.

After coming down we continued on with the resort behind us aiming for a waterfall 3,5km away and 400m up. The walk wasn’t complicated but the heat and humidity made it much more strenuous than it otherwise would have been. After a sweaty walk for app. 1:40 we arrived at the water, impressive 150-ish meters tall. A few went under it to cool off and there was agreement all over that the water was very, very cold (the cold water for the tubs back the resort are actually taken from up here). We moved a bit further downstream to a spot where it was actually possible to dip in and swim around but as it was in the shade and constant stream the water was as cold as above.

Large centipede. It was at least 30cm long.

The butterfly is not turquoise, the wings are transparent. 

Group photo in front of the waterfall.

Creepy crawlies all over the place!

Returning to the resort we had a late lunch at around 14:45. After this some of us wanted to see the flower than only blooms every 7 years. A farm nearby had a collection of several of them at different stages, and luckily they also had one that was blooming today. Considering how long it takes them to reach the blooming state and how few they had relative to this we could consider us very lucky getting the chance to see them. Following this we wanted to take a tour in the orchid park but unfortunately it had already closed. Instead we went down and started filling one of the tubs available. Despite it being a small tub it took almost 1½ hours of sitting in not much water until we had a satisfactory amount. The pressure from the 80°C hot spring was only a fraction of that of the cold water, but we weren’t willing to have an ice cold water just to fill it faster. Less than 15 minutes later we had to get out to be able to make it to dinner at 2000.

A rafflesia in its prime.

A rafflesia before blooming. 

A rafflesia at the end of its life.

One of the tubs. The amount of water was after app. half an hour. 
Thanks to Elaine for being a size reference.

Tomorrow we’re leaving at 0630 and are getting breakfast at a tea farm which we will be visiting first thing in the morning before driving 5-ish hours to get us to the next lodge. In the afternoon we will go on a boat cruise for some wildlife watching and an optional one or drive in the evening after dinner. Things are potentially getting exciting!

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