Sunday 26 July 2015

26th – Selingan -> Sepilok -> KK

As planned we left the resort at 0900 (once again without much sleep, but mainly due to being social) and our first stop of the day was a Chinese Buddhist temple. Less than 30 years old it still felt fresh and new and as with other Buddhist temples the colors were vibrant.

View from the temple.

A small and very angry bird on the stairs in front of the temple. 
Refused to move when passing by and just chirped very angrily at me.

We kept going and spent some time at a market. There wasn’t much to do and frankly it was clear it was just a matter of killing time before flying back to KK.

Last stop was the war memorial in Sepilok; Japanese soldiers doing terrible things to locals and allies in general during WW2 (Australia lost 8000 men during the war here as POWs, approximately half of their total losses during the war) and the memorial contained detailed descriptions of what had happened and especially quotes from the very few survivors were horrifying/haunting.

A very short summary of the atrocities. 

With that experience over with we left for the airport where we had a light lunch and flew back to KK where we were picked up and brought back to the hotel where we arrived around 1600. From then on it was plan-less while waiting to meet up for dinner at 1900. Last dinner with delicious cheap local food, and while I will miss it I am also looking forward to eating something that doesn’t necessarily contain rice. 

Tomorrow I don’t have a flight until 1940 so most of the day will be spent in KK trying to kill time. Except for one leaving at 0500 all are leaving during the day making it a day full with goodbyes. 

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