Sunday 17 April 2016

17th - What else?

After having breakfast at 0800 we left at 0830 to drive to Andasibe-Mantadia National Park where we will be spending the next 2 nights.

On the way to our destination we stopped at a refuge where we got to see several lemurs, geckos, chameleons and a couple of snakes and frogs. Basically a small variety of all the animals I came to see. First day. That was quick.

Common brown lemur.

Sifaka lemurs.

A butterfly of some sort.

A chameleon.

And another one!

And more!

Leaf-tailed gecko.

Another chameleon.

A different leaf-tailed gecko.

I love the eyes.

This is not a chameleon.

This is, though.

After a couple of hours’ tour and a lunch we continued on our way and at around 1530 we arrived at the NP.

It has been wet most of the day with relatively high temps (mid/high-20s) which made it quite hot on the bus as it didn’t have A/C. The air in the bus quickly got dense which resulted in most of us falling in and out of sleep.

At 1815 we went out on a night walk where we got to see some lemurs, though at far distances, and chameleons so small that I considered it a small miracle that the guides spotted them. We were back at around 2000 at which point we had dinner and an early night. Breakfast tomorrow at 0700.

Mandatory moon-shot.

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