Monday 18 April 2016

18th - Close encounters

We were to show up at the restaurant at 0700 to order and have breakfast. Those of us who showed up at 0700 got our food relatively quickly, whereas those trickling in and ordered just minutes later took more time to make; some hardly had time to finish eating before we left at 0800.

We drove a couple of minutes for a 4 hour walk where the main attraction was the different lemurs in the wild. The weather was with us and we didn’t get a drizzle until after we were on our way back to the bus.

Red-bellied lemur.


Diademed sifaka.

On return we had lunch and at 1430 we drove 20 minutes to get to Lemur Island. On the way we visited a crocodile farm, which, despite also having a couple of chameleons and a fossa, was pretty boring. The fossa is a cat, resembling a small puma, and while it would probably be the only chance of seeing it on the trip it was in a relatively small cage which is was circling. A sad sight. Lemur Island is an island sanctuary for lemurs that have been held as pets which makes them very sociable towards humans. It’s cheesy and touristy (luckily we were the only group there at the time) but when you have two common brown lemurs crawling around on your head and shoulders you tend to forget your doubts. It was honestly really fun. There was no fence; the water around the island was enough to keep them in place. Crossing the water required a short canoe trip – one that lasted less than 30 seconds.

Lemur Island. 

Due to the lemurs' curiosity it was sometimes difficult to
get the camera into the right position.

Bamboo lemur.

Mr. Lemur has found a perch to spectate the world from.
It's so fluffy!

Black and white ruffed lemur.

Coming back we ordered dinner and then went on another evening walk. We saw a couple of spiders but otherwise nothing new.

Mouse lemur.

We will be leaving at 0730 tomorrow for another 8 hour drive to Antsirabe.

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