Saturday 23 April 2016

23rd - Even more lemurs!

We had a late start at 0830 where we went to see a local paper factory. As it turned out to be owned and connected to the hotel we stayed at it required a mere 50m walk to get there. Exactly the same process as every other paper factory that relies on manual labor and not machines.

Half an hour later we drove a couple of minutes to see a silk factory. Again a place where they rely on manual labor as one would expect. It was quickly obvious that except for the starting process where they soak the silk the process is the exact same as if it had been wool.

After this we had half an hour drive to a private reserve where we got to see striped-tail lemurs. There is a high concentration of them in a relatively small area so sightings were practically guaranteed. After a short walk to a lookout point we returned to where we started the walk and had lunch. The lunch ended up lasting longer than expected as they had run out of bread so easy sandwiches were out of the question, but after this we left and drove 4-5 hours to arrive at Ranohira.

Striped-tailed lemur.


Every place we’ve been has had wifi (except at the homestay). A surprise, but a pleasant one. While it was turned on at 1900 and turned off at 2000 here it was still more than one should expect and we still managed to establish contact to the outside world in the that timeframe.

Tomorrow we will leave at 0730 for a short drive before doing a 10 km/8 hour walk. It’s hot, dry and in the open so there will be no risk of freezing on the way. Lunch will be handled by guides who will cook for us at the appropriate time. Luxury!

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